
Address: Broadford VIC 3764

Enterprise: Fine Wool, Beef

Year Acquired: 2017

Carry Capacity: 33,000 DSE

Total Hectares: 2810ha

While Kalkallo was the first parcel of agricultural land that Burgess Rural acquired back in 1979, subsequent acquisitions such as Glenaroua Station, Mt Piper Park & Targoot has seen Burgess Rural grow to be a major agricultural producer in Central Victoria.

Glenaroua Station is one of the oldest pastoral stations in Victoria, established in 1838 by William Hamilton, a true pioneer of Australian agriculture and the first to introduce sheep to the district. Burgess Rural has continued this history and manages its Victorian farming properties from Glenaroua Station producing sustainable fibre from its fine wool flock.

The Merino Wool enterprise forms the backbone of the Burgess Rural’s national operations with quality off-spring integrated into the Dual-Purpose enterprise at Lockerbie NSW.